Registration and Call for Abstracts

All participants are subject to the relevant registration fees. The fees should be paid in Japanese Yen in cash at the venue, so please be prepared accordingly.

Please click the red button below to complete the workshop/school registration and abstract submission process. Before doing so, please read the following carefully. When registering, you will be directed to the anathor FFA'24 website on the RCNP-indico.

Register Now


Ragistration fees

  Early registration
(ends 15th July, 2024)
Late registration
(ends 1st August, 2024)
Regular JPY 35,000 JPY 40,000
Student JPY 25,000 JPY 30,000
Accompany JPY 15,000 JPY 17,000


Ragistration fee includes:

  • • Access to all sessions for School and Workshop
  • • Coffee breaks
  • • Welcome reception (3rd Sep.)
  • • Tour to the RCNP cyclorton facility (5th Sep.)
  • • Workshop banquet and hot spring (5th Sep.)



All registration fees do not include lunches, except for lunch on 1st Sep. for school participants.
In case of any changes or cancellation, please send us a written notice by e-mail at .


Visa information

All visitors must have a valid passport to enter Japan. Japan has taken measures on the visa exemption arrangements for 71 countries/regions, which can be found in here. However, participants from certain countries must obtain a visa. Information regarding Japanese visa and entry procedures can be found in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan's website..

If you need an entrance visa for the FFA'24 school and/or workshop, please e-mail to .